Should You Renovate or Relocate? (Part 2)

Part Two of our Series, Renovate or Relocate: Pros & Cons

Welcome back to our three-part blog series on the important decision of whether to relocate or renovate! Part one covered the existing market conditions and why they might affect your decision. This month, we’ll weigh the pros and cons of both choices, and you’ll be one step closer to knowing what’s best for you. Let’s dive in: 

Reasons to Renovate Rather than Relocate

Location, location, location

Love your neighborhood? If you love where you live, stay where you are. You’re the perfect candidate to renovate not relocate. In the end, you’ll be happier in a location you love than you’ll ever be in a huge house where you have to go out of your way to see friends, family, or all your favorite places.   

You want a completely custom home

With a home renovation, you have a chance to make your house 100% you. Change your layout, get the latest kitchen storage innovations, or install heated floors in your bathroom — you’ll have complete control of how every surface of your home looks.  

You’re already established 

Perhaps you’ve already lived in your home for a long time. You’ve spent time and money on landscaping, made lots of memories, raised your children, and your neighbors have become family. We see this situation a lot at Nip Tuck and have accommodated our clients’ needs in the home they love.

A perfect example of the renovate or relocate decision is our Woodinville clients who lived in their one-story home for twenty years, putting up with the cramped and dated layout because they didn’t want to move. We relocated their kitchen, removed some walls to create an open concept space, and refreshed their bathrooms and common areas. Instead of moving, they’re hosting neighborhood parties and enjoying their beloved home again.

Challenges of Renovating

Construction-zone living

Although temporary, it can be stressful living in a home that’s being remodeled. Strategic planning is needed to navigate how to continue your daily life with disruptions of unusable rooms, loud noises, and the presence of workers in the house. Pro tip: ensure your remodeler is organized and efficient, so they’ll complete the construction phase quickly and with minimal disruption.   

Return on investment

Home renovations can be a significant investment. If you’re staying put for the foreseeable future, it’s worth every penny. If moving is inevitable for you, the question of “is it worth it” to renovate comes into play. Consider your situation, then check in with a reputable design build firm about costs to make the most informed decision. 

Reasons to Relocate vs Renovate

You can’t make it work 

Not every home will have the necessary square feet to meet the owners’ needs, and sometimes reconfigurations or additions aren’t possible. If you have a growing family, are bringing in a loved one to live with you, or have a lifestyle change that requires more space but can’t find a creative solution, moving might be the only answer. 

You want a clean slate

Still searching for your dream neighborhood along with your dream home? If you need a change and have no real attachments to where you currently are, relocating makes sense. As we mentioned, it’s most important to be happy with your location — everything else can usually be fixed.    

Challenges of Relocating

Updates may still be necessary

Unless you’re building a brand-new home, chances are the house you move into will still need some updating. Even if you buy one with a newly renovated kitchen or bathroom, you’ll want your new space to have your style and personality, leading you right back down the remodeling road. As we mentioned in our previous blog, moving means paying these renovation costs, plus 10% of the cost of your old home in realtor fees and other selling expenses.     

Small lots

Thinking of starting from scratch with a new build? Be aware that most new lots are much smaller than those of older homes. Furthermore, new neighborhoods where these homes are built are usually clear-cut and lack landscaping, which will take years to reestablish. If a big backyard or wooded lot is a must-have, you may want to stay where you are. 

Whatever your circumstance, a call to a quality design build firm is a great first step before making your decision whether to renovate or relocate. At Nip Tuck Remodeling, we listen to all our clients and are upfront about their best options. Feel free to contact us if we can be of any help.

Stay tuned next month for the final blog in our series, where we’ll explore reconfiguring your space vs. adding on.

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