the latest from nip tuck remodel
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Read on and become inspired with the latest trends and styles in home remodeling that can bring fresh ideas and aesthetics to your own Monroe, Washington remodel.
How to Integrate a Modern Remodel into Your Traditional Home
A modern remodel of your home should be an investment that better prepares you for possible resale down the road.
10 Reasons to Love Open Floor Plans
After comparing an open-concept space to a crammed kitchen and living room, it is easy to see why open floor plans are a hot trend!
How to Prepare Yourself and Your Family for a Remodel
To prepare for a remodel, you need to wrap your mind around the disruption, the loss of use, and the people who will be in your space.
When to Move vs. When to Remodel
When your lifestyle has changed, you may need to make a decision. Here are some factors to take into consideration about when to move versus when to remodel.
How to Spruce Up Your Home for Spring
While cleaning your entire home can sound as much fun as paying your taxes, here are some quick ways to spruce up your home for Spring.
DIY Craft: Rustic Easter Egg Wreath
This year, take the holiday up a notch by creating a rustic easter egg wreath that you can hang at home for many more Easters to come.
Aligning Client and Contractor Expectations
Setting contractor expectations will ensure alignment with your contractor and enjoy the remodeling experience you deserve.
10 Ways a Remodel Does Not Happen by Luck
A successful remodel does not happen by luck – it takes planning, professionalism, and communication – “when preparation meets opportunity.”
The Advantages of Design-Build Over a General Contractor
When a homeowner decides to remodel their space, they generally have three options of how they are going to make this home update happen. They
What do Remodeling and Rick Steves Have in Common? More than You Think
What do Remodeling and Rick Steves Have in Common? More than You Think! Remodeling, like vacations, take planning.
The Women of Nip Tuck
We are celebrating International Women’s Day this month by spotlighting the women of Nip Tuck! Get to know them here.
Deciding Your Design Style: Traditional, Transitional, or Modern
Do you know which design style is best for you? Most interior design falls into three categories – traditional, transitional, and modern.