4 Tips to Maximize a Whole House Remodeling Project

whole house remodeling

You’re ahead of the game if you’re planning to hire design-build professionals for a whole house remodeling project! If you love your area and the general layout of your home, remodeling is a terrific method to personalize your home and get what you want out of the house you’ve established a life in. Most homes in the United States require repair and improvement because, according to Comfy Living, 80% of them are at least 20 years old. Therefore, utilize the following simple tips to maximize your home remodel.

Consider Water

When you’re considering a whole house remodeling project, don’t add bathrooms without hiring a professional to properly inspect your water supply lines and your water heater’s capability. Your needs might not be met by a tank that is smaller or requires more time to recover. This is particularly valid if you choose a brand-new 80-gallon soaking tub and only have a 50-gallon tank. If you have a second floor, discuss the option of installing a separate tank heater or a larger tank with a circulation pump to maintain hot water close to your faucets with your design-build remodeling team.

Deaden the Sound

Does everyone in your house bicker about loud noises being heard from one end of the house to another? To reduce sound transmission through wall cavities, you can hire design-build professionals to install drywall or soundboard insulation. Another method for reducing noise transmission from one floor to another is using resilient channels in ceilings. You might also want to soundproof the walls of the shared bedrooms, media room, and laundry area.

Know Your End Goal

Before deciding on the extent of your remodel, you need to have a clear idea of your end-goal. Are you doing a whole house remodeling project in Woodinville to increase the resale value, or will you be residing for decades? Do a study of your immediate neighborhood before beginning to ascertain the best return on investment that won’t be deemed overdone for the area. Discussing your potential expectations with your design-build team and having a plan for your future might help you decide how deep you should go with your project.

Consult the Calendar

If you are hoping to pursue a whole house remodeling project and have it completed by a given holiday or event, be sure to know your end date to work your way backward. You can pencil in a month or a few weeks at the end for wiggle room if there are delays and avoid disappointments.

As you can see, there are many ways to maximize your home remodeling project with the help of a professional design-build company. To schedule a consultation, contact our team today!

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