Nip Tuck Cares: Annual Holiday Food Drive

For many of us, the holidays are a wonderful time full of celebration, family, and fun! This is also the time of year when it is important to give back to others who are less fortunate. Our team at Nip Tuck set out on a goal to donate 8 boxes worth of holiday food this season – and we hit that goal at the beginning of this month! We are honored to be delivering our donations to Acres of Diamonds in Duvall, WA this year.


About Acres of Diamonds

Established in 1995 by Pearl Tadema, Acres of Diamonds has provided safe housing, community support, counseling, and many other resources to homeless moms and their children. On their website, they state:

“Acres of Diamonds sets out to ensure that every homeless woman and child that comes to Acres receives the opportunity to rewrite their story. With homeless families experiencing generations of poverty, abuse, neglect and addiction, Acres of Diamonds aims to provide holistic, long-lasting solutions to help address the problems”.

To find out more about Acres of Diamonds’ mission and how you can help, please check out their website at

Additional Donation Locations

Along with Acres of Diamonds, there are many other food banks, homeless shelters, and organizations that could use your help this year. The majority of them will take food, toy, and money donations. Some places might need certain items, such as diapers or baby formula.

The list below includes only a few options:

Sky Valley Food Bank

The Sophia Way

Matthew House

Cocoon House

Clothes for Kids

For many of us, the holidays are a wonderful time full of celebration, family, and fun! This is also the time of year when it is important to give back to others who are less fortunate. Our team at Nip Tuck set out on a goal to donate 8 boxes worth of holiday food this season – and we hit that goal at the beginning of this month! We are honored to be delivering our donations to Acres of Diamonds in Duvall, WA this year.

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