How to Prepare Yourself and Your Family for a Remodel

how to prepare for a remodel

Many people love the idea of a new space and cannot wait to get started with the remodeling process! However, remodeling can also be stressful and a complete change in routine for yourself and your household. Depending on the space you are updating and your family’s needs, you will need to take a variety of factors into consideration in order to prepare for a remodel.

Decide Whether You Will Stay or Move-Out During the Remodel

Remodels are complex, noisy, and can feel chaotic to someone who has not spent much time around a home-in-progress. Much of the stress of remodeling comes from trying to adjust to a disrupted home. Cleaning dishes in the bathroom sink, showering at the gym daily, being confined to a few rooms, or forgetting where you put something in storage can all be disruptions that are immensely annoying. The stress can extend to your children and pets too, impacting sleep schedules and breaking routines.

If you choose to stay, in order to prepare for a remodel, you’ll need to keep in mind that you will have limited access to the part of your home that is being updated and will need to get creative. If the master bathroom is under construction, you can obviously use the other bathrooms in the home. When it comes to the kitchen or main floor, it can be trickier to find alternate solutions. One of the best options is to create a “temporary kitchen” in the basement or other part of the home. Consider including a microwave, mini-fridge, instant pot, and table and chairs to this space.

If moving out, many families stay in a second home, Airbnb, or with loved ones. Depending on the situation, moving out can be a more convenient and cheaper option when it comes to food, laundry, and overall sanity. Not physically being present during the remodel also allows you to check-in when you feel like it. Overall, decide what will be the most comforting option to you and your family during this process.

Prepare Your Children and Pets for a Remodel

Kids and animals are curious by nature.  They will need to be restricted from the construction zone for their own safety.  If you have a young child who naps during the day, it will be important for you to realize construction will be continued during nap time.  It may be in your best interest to make alternative plans if your child needs a quiet space to sleep or if you have multiple children who cannot be supervised continuously.

It is also important to have work zones restricted from pets during your home renovation project. Pets frighten easily due to loud noises.  If your pet is easily upset you may want to consider finding care for them outside of the home during your remodel.

If staying in the home, talk to your children about the remodel and prepare them for what the process will look like. You can train them on which pathways to take through the home to avoid the project-site and talk about who will be entering and leaving the home.

Prepare Yourself and Set Reasonable Expectations

To prepare for a remodel, you need to wrap your mind around these things: Your home renovation project will be loud.  Your home will be dusty.  You will not always have plumbing or electricity (especially if doing a bathroom or kitchen remodel).  Your privacy will be interrupted.  Some days you will need to have a glass of wine and unload your stress.  Other times you may need to take a walk to the park or go to the movies and vacate the construction zone. It is okay to feel stress during your remodel. Keep a positive attitude, trust your project manager, and understand the remodeling process is temporary. Once the construction and discomfort are over, you will have a beautiful new home!  

Your Remodeling Partner Should Guide and Prepare You

Most importantly, the company and project manager you are working with should fully brief you on the different phases of the project and prepare you for what this time will look and feel like. You are not alone in this process and should always feel listened to and understood! Make sure to partner with a company like Nip Tuck Remodeling from the get-go to ensure your remodel runs smoothly.   

Many people love the idea of a new space and cannot wait to get started with the remodeling process! However, remodeling can also be stressful and a complete change in routine for yourself and your household. Depending on the space you are updating and your family’s needs, you will need to take a variety of factors into consideration in order to prepare for the project.

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