How the Remodeling Industry Worked Together During the Pandemic

As I am sure many of you can relate to both personally and professionally, this year has been unlike anything the remodeling industry has ever experienced. In the past we have dealt with severe weather conditions, such as fire and snow, that have prevented us from getting to our client’s homes. We have survived housing bubbles and slow times. However, none of these have compared to COVID-19. We have had to completely stop working, reinvent how we do our jobs, and reassure homeowners that we can complete their projects safely. But I could not have done it alone. Not only has my team been flexible, committed, and willing to take every precaution, but so have all of my colleagues in the industry.

From Competitors to Colleagues

I am proud to say that my industry peers and I have viewed COVID-19 as a time to come together and brainstorm ways to help each other.  This hasn’t been about competing;  it has been about all of us sharing our knowledge and ideas on how to keep clients safe. It has been about working together and lobbying the government to allow us to get back to work. It has been about supporting each other – and that’s something that I believe will continue, even as we all adjust to our new way of doing business.

The Role of the Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties

The Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties (MBAKS) has played a fundamental role in supporting the businesses in our industry as well. In addition to Association’s efforts to quickly pivot and stay connected with us virtually, they have also provided the information we needed to know how and when to move forward safely. Their guides and  toolkits have provided a great guideline for ensuring we meet compliance requirements as we move safely back into our work.

Back to Work, Safety First

All of my colleagues have shared their best ideas with one another, and they’ve all taken seriously the commitment to the safety of our clients and workers. As we have returned to work and found ourselves busier than ever, I reflect on how profoundly proud I am to be a part of this industry.

The Remodeling Industry Worked Together During the Pandemic in Extraordinary Fashion

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